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List of our selected publications:

Adult blood stem cell localization reflects the abundance of reported bone marrow niche cell types and their combinations.

Kokkaliaris KD*, Kunz L, Cabezas-Wallscheid N, Christodoulou C, Renders S, Camargo F, Trumpp A, Scadden DT, Schroeder T*. (2020) Blood
*co-corresponding authors (Cover story)

Kokkaliaris KD and Scadden DT. (2020) Blood Advances

(Cover Story)

Coutu D+, Kokkaliaris KD+, Kunz L+, Schroeder T. (2018) Nature Methods
+co-first authors

Coutu D+, Kokkaliaris KD+, Kunz L+, Schroeder T. (2017)

Nature Biotechnology
+co-first authors (Cover story)

Kokkaliaris KD, Drew E, Endele M, Loeffler D, Hoppe PS, Hilsenbeck O, Schauberger B, Hinzen C, Skylaki S, Theodorou M, Kieslinger M, Lemischka I, Moore K and Schroeder T. (2016) Blood

Comment in: Palis J (2016) Behaving better: stem cells singled out. Blood

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